Understand how fat intake is actually vital for hormonal health

Firstly, fat intake can assist weight loss!

Were you sucked into the ‘eating fat is the devil’ era? I think for most people, this one will resonate. Did you grow up in the 80’s or 90’s around parents trying all sorts of fad diets? The general consensus felt like carbs and fat were the enemy, therefore low or no fat options were seen as good options for health, especially weight management. Knowledge has definitely come a long way since then, however changing the dietary habits and perceptions of generations that are programmed to believe fat is the devil is somewhat difficult!

It may sound counterintuitive but how about this… you can lose weight when you eat enough fat. By fat, I mean good fats of course. Consuming enough healthy fats can boost metabolism and energy, helping the body burn more calories whilst providing the body with essential vitamins and minerals. Read on to understand how fat intake as part of a balanced diet can be essential for hormonal health and fertility.

Good fats for hormonal health & fertility

Fats are ESSENTIAL for cellular health, as well as for hormone production. Good fats and omega fatty acids can regulate the menstrual cycle and balance hormones. Not only do healthy fats improve both sperm and egg quality, they help reduce inflammation in the body, which in turn supports the immune system which is very closely linked to fertility health. Also, eating plenty of good fats helps with the absorption of essential nutrients and vitamins such as vitamin A, D, E and K. Once pregnant, fatty acids are important to nourish the developing embryo and growing a healthy baby.

So what to eat? The main thing is to eat whole foods. Choosing zero or low fat options such as skimmed milk and zero fat yoghurt means it has been highly processed so it is no longer considered a whole and clean food anymore. Full fat options are the way to go, obviously in moderation. Every meal should incorporate an element of healthy fat into it. Options for healthy fats include:

  • Seeds (in particular flax and chai seeds)

  • Nuts (especially almonds, macadamia, sunflower and walnuts)

  • Avocado

  • Oily fish such as salmon & sardines

  • Olive oil (eaten cold not heated)

  • Grass-fed meat

  • Olives

  • Coconut (and coconut oil to cook with)

  • Full fat yoghurt

  • Nut butters

  • Real butter (no margarine!)

Coconut - The Ultimate Healthy Fat

Did you know how amazing coconut is? It is thought that coconut has a number of amazing health benefits for women, including fertility health. In men, it can increase sperm count and mobility. In women, it is known to boost fertility and aid a healthy pregnancy. Coconut can help with the absorption of nutrients, aid digestion, help to regulate blood sugar, and have antibacterial and antimicrobial properties which help to strengthen the immune system. Top Tip - Try swapping your regular cooking oil with coconut oil. Trust me, it does not make your food taste like coconut!

* I am not a dietician or nutritionist. If you need more detailed or specific advice please consult a dietician or nutritionist specialising in hormone and fertility health.


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