Womb & Fertility Massage Therapy

Womb & Fertility Massage can support a woman through all stages of her reproductive life cycle. Although extremely beneficial for supporting fertility health, you don’t need to be actively trying to conceive, or even have a physical womb anymore to benefit from this nurturing, balancing, restorative, ultimately feminine therapy. Womb & Fertility Massage dates back thousands of years and is part of many cultures around the world.

Womb & Fertility Massage can help with…

~ Irregular / abnormal bleeding
~ Painful periods / ovulation
~ Clearing of stagnant blood
~ Preparation for conception
~ Support through a fertility journey, whether assisted or natural
~ Endometriosis
~ Uterine fibroids
~ Adhesions / scar tissue
~ Pelvic pain
~ Tilted / misaligned uterus
~ Postnatal nurturing and recovery
~ Digestive issues (constipation, diarrhoea, IBS, bloating)
~ Emotional trauma (childhood, sexual, birth, miscarriages)
~ Perimenopause / Menopause symptoms
~ Hysterectomy

What it involves…

~ Sacral massage. All areas in the pelvic region are connected. There are ligaments that connect the sacrum to the uterus for example; one can misalign the other. Pain to the lower back, coccyx and sacral area can be released.

~ Abdominal massage. By performing a nurturing and intuitive abdominal massage, it encourages blood and lymphatic circulation to the abdominal and pelvic organs, improving functionality and strengthening the pelvic region, including the ovaries, fallopian tubes and the uterus. Tension, adhesions and scar tissue can be released, improving associated symptoms, especially from endometriosis. Massaging the digestive tract can encourage and support effective elimination and peristaltic action of the bowel. This can in turn enhance the immune system. In fact, 80% of our immune system lives within our digestive tract. Immunity, digestion and fertility are very closely linked. Therefore it is important to massage and treat the whole torso area, including releasing the diaphragm enabling deeper and easier breathing, inviting more circulation to flow into the abdomen.

~ Rebozo wrapping. This technique uses the Mexican shawl Rebozo to rock the body in a relaxing way to release tensions. The Rebozos are also used to wrap elements of the body including the womb, head and feet, leaving you feeling centred energetically, grounded and cared for. This is sometimes known as ‘restoring the soul’.

Are you trying to conceive?

Whether you are conceiving naturally or via assisted methods, Womb & Fertility Massage can help support the body physically and emotionally. On a physical level, this therapy can support and nourish the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes with oxygenated blood, lymph and nerve flow, thereby improving their function. Deep, yet gentle non-invasive techniques are used to bring the pelvic organs and womb into alignment, clearing stagnant blood and strengthening the pelvic bowl, optimising your chance for fertilisation and implantation. Any scar tissue and adhesions that surround the reproductive, digestive and pelvic organs can be broken down, therefore improving organ function and health.

On an emotional and spiritual level, there are a number of subconscious blocks that can impede on fertility health. Our bodies can hold onto stored emotions and trauma of various sources, especially in the abdomen and womb area. A fertility journey can bring with it stress, emotional turmoil and many fears, worries and anxieties. This therapy is deeply relaxing and nurturing, allowing time out to heal, to reconnect to yourself and your womb space, and feel held and supported. Womb & Fertility Massage stimulates a parasympathetic nervous system response and induces rest, relaxation and happy hormones…which is always welcomed!

Heal the womb, heal the woman


  • If you are trying to conceive naturally, the ideal time to have a fertility massage to aid conception is between the end of your bleed and before ovulation takes place. If you are undergoing assisted fertility with IUI the ideal time is from your bleed to ovulation and insemination. With IVF, the ideal time is from suppression of your cycle to embryo transfer, as long as no tenderness is felt. Ideally, it is ideal to start Womb & Fertility Massage 3 months before you are planning to conceive or prior to commencing fertility treatment drugs.

  • No! Every Woman at every phase of life can benefit from this divinely nourishing, transformative and healing massage.

  • Of course! Nurturing during the first few postpartum weeks and months helps to support the mother physically and emotionally. A healthy mum is better equipped to provide for her baby. It is easy to forget about who you were before you became a mother so this therapy is a special way to reconnect with yourself and your femininity. What better way to honour and celebrate your womb creating life.

  • Did you know that 80% of our immune system lives within our digestive tract? Immunity, digestion and fertility are very closely linked. When we are stressed and anxious, our digestive system can get sluggish or grind to a halt as the body does not prioritise its need over survival systems.

Please do not hesitate to contact me for further information

Womb & Fertility Massage

£80 / 70 minutes

Book an appointment