Prolonged Pregnancy Treatment

  • Your pregnancy is considered to be post-dates once you exceed 40 weeks. This can be an anxious time when awaiting the onset of labour. Many self-help methods are not evidence based and whilst they are perceived as ‘natural’ they are not always safe or used in an appropriate or safe way. The complementary therapies I offer aim to aid relaxation and promote the production of oxytocin, therefore encouraging spontaneous labour.

  • I offer a specialist prolonged pregnancy treatment for those who have exceeded 40 weeks pregnant and having an uncomplicated pregnancy, wishing to avoid induction of labour. It involves a combination of acupressure, Reflex Zone Therapy and aromatherapy massage. Essential oils will be chosen specifically for their therapeutic properties in post-dates pregnancy. The outcome of this treatment can affect birth hormones and reduce stress hormones to enable the body to go into labour without the need for medical induction.

    The appointment also includes demonstrations and advice on pelvic balancing techniques to help prepare the body for birth, promote an optimal fetal position and promote onset of labour.

Are you keen to go into labour spontaneously and avoid a medical induction of labour? If you have exceeded your estimated due date (EDD) you may have thought about using complementary therapies to help encourage labour. This combination of complementary therapies includes the stimulation of acupressure points, Reflex Zone Therapy to release oxytocin from the pituitary gland, and aromatherapy massage with specially selected essential oils for their therapeutic properties in post-dates pregnancy. Be assured that a qualified midwife who is appropriately trained in complementary therapies will treat you safely and appropriately.

Prolonged Pregnancy Treatment - 40 weeks+

£115 / 90 minutes

Reflex Zone Therapy for Prolonged Pregnancy - 40 weeks+

£65 / 45 minutes

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